5 Ways to Prepare for Inflation and Food Shortages

Prior to 2020, inflation, food shortages and prepping were certainly not at the center of conversations. Today it seems to be everywhere, and for good reason. As of February 2022, the average food inflation rate is at 7 .9% - the highest it's been since 1982! Prices are on the rise, and they don’t look like they are going down anytime soon. In fact, with recent events, and the exportation of goods from countries around the world being halted, it appears to be getting worse, and fast. This is not meant to scare, but to help you be aware so that you, your family, and your community can have the security in knowing, that even in a crisis, you have the ability to get you through. With this in mind, here are 5 ways to prepare now.

Purchase one of our grow towers and put a produce section in your home today.

1.  Have a Plan and Set a Budget

This may seem obvious; however, when thinking about purchasing extra items, or making big lifestyle changes like starting a garden, it can seem overwhelming for both time and monetary commitments. And extras at the grocery store can add up quickly! Having a set plan in place, including saving and/or moving money around, and a plan of action, with your spouse/family can help the process go a lot smoother. Moving a small amount of money from a place you are currently spending, where you may not need to, like eating out, can also help. In our home my husband and I have a “blue book” that we do once a year, where we write down our yearly goals, including spending needs and wants. If we want to make a large purchase, we try to always go back to the blue book to set priorities. There are many ways to set a plan and a budget, it’s more important that you do it, than how you do it.

2.  Stock Up Items You Regularly Use

Following the simple advice of “Buy 1 for now, and 2 for later” can be a very helpful tool to have in the back of your mind when shopping. Don’t let your supply get down to the last item on the shelf. With inflation causing price increases, by purchasing items now before the prices increase, you are securing your savings.

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Items you use regularly may be perishable; however, if you use the above rule and then rotate the items out like a grocery store shelf, assuming they are not really perishable (always look at the expiration dates), this can be a great way to always have the items you need on stock. These items may include:

  • Nut butters

  • Meat for the freezer

  • Nuts

  • Cooking oils

  • Butter (you can freeze butter)

  • Flours

  • Sugars (including honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, etc.)

  • Fermented foods (like sauerkraut, raw cheese that has a longer shelf-life that pasturized cheese).

  • Dairy – depending on how fast you/your family goes through those items

  • Pasta, oats, rice, and other grains

  • Coffee, tea (coffee can be stored in the freezer as well)

  • Snacks – crackers, chips, etc.

3.  Stock Up on Foods and Items with a Long Shelf-Life

Having a stockpile of foods that have a long shelf-life can give you an extra boost of security. These are items that you could potentially use to trade or help your community in a time of crisis as well. Of course, canned foods are perfect; however, there are items you may not necessarily think of as long term, that can be if you store them correctly.

Dried beans, grains (wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats), pasta, sugar, powdered milk and more can all be stored long-term in mylar bags placed into 5-gallon buckets with airtight lids. For extra-long shelf-life, you will want to use an oxygen absorber, vacuum as much air out as possible, and seal your bag.  This is a fantastic article on information on mylar bags and sealing. Also making sure you have a stockpile of all the necessary household items and toiletries:

  • Toilet paper

  • Paper towels

  • Laundry detergent

  • Dish soap

  • Sanitizers – bleach/hydrogen peroxide

  • Diapers and baby wipes

  • Shampoo and conditioner

  • Toothpaste

  • Deodorant

  • Soap/body wash

  • Medicines

  • Vitamins

4. Purchase a Freeze-Dryer     

Canning, dehydrating, smoking, curing, and freezing foods are all fantastic ways to preserve foods; however, freeze drying beats them all in terms of shelf life and food security. Freeze-dried food can last up to 25 years! It also takes up less space, as food can be freeze-dried and then turned into a powder (for instance, you can freeze-dry eggs and milk to form powders). We have a family member who has been freeze-drying almost everything from their garden + more, and they report that reconstituted egg powder for scrambled eggs tastes just like the real deal! It also can be stored right on your pantry shelf in mason jars or mylar bags! This (pictured above) is the brand that has come highly recommended to us. You can also freeze-dry entire meals, like chili to have on hand (you just need make sure it’s not too oily/greasy). We do not have one yet; however, it is high on the list in the “blue book😊.”  

5. Grow (+ Raise) Your Own Food

Stocking up is fantastic; however, for long-term options there is not a more sustainable and better way, than to grow your own food and raise your own animals for meat. If we were in a real crisis, eventually the stockpiles would run out. Creating your own food independence is the best and most reliable way of making sure you, your family, and your community has what it needs to get through a major crisis.

Your garden doesn’t have to be big. Even growing in pots on your patio can make a huge difference. Nor do you have to have a large farm with herds of animals. Have a small backyard? You can raise enough chickens to have eggs for your whole family (check out this post for more info). There are so many ways to grow your own food – now is the time to think outside of the box!

Seeds, especially heirloom, are also great to stockpile. Heirloom seeds allow you to harvest your own seeds, rather than having to purchase them, which is a huge bonus for being that much more self-reliant. Store unused seeds in the refrigerator for maximum life. There are many items to think about and purchase when planning a garden. This is a fantastic article to help get you going!


Grow your own food 365 days a year with the Eden Grow Tower. The Eden Tower allows you to grow not just leafy greens, but root vegetables, including potatoes, and so much more! 4 grow towers, that equal the size of a queen-sized bed, can produce all the fresh fruits and vegetables one person needs to produce their own food year-round! Simply plug the Eden Grow Tower into an outlet in your garage, basement, or in your home, and you can start growing immediately! Find out all the ways the Eden Grow Tower can benefit your homesteading adventures here. Whether you are just getting started with growing and live in the city, or are a seasoned homesteader, the Eden Tower can be a huge asset in becoming food independent.

For us at Eden, preparing for the future of food is not a new concept. Eden was founded in 2018 on the insight and intuition of the coming food crisis. Our founders looked at the data and saw there was going to be a need to help feed people. Now that inflation and shortages are upon us, we are all the more passionate about helping you be as food independent as possible, in whatever means necessary, whether it be an extra trip to a big box store, starting a small garden in your backyard, or raising chickens. Taking small steps now is not only going to help you be more secure but have the peace of mind in knowing that whatever comes our way in the world, you, your family, and even your community are secure.

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Head over here to learn about how you can be on the journey to food independence with the Eden Grow Tower.

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Alicia Raymond is a Content Creator for Eden Grow Systems. Alicia is passionate about helping others live healthy lives and believes growing your own fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to achieve this. She loves to cook with the food she and her husband grow on their 20-acre homestead in the Pacific NW, where they have also documented their adventures of building and operating a self-sustaining off-grid food habitat on their YouTube channel, therealmartian.com. This effort has now turned into Eden Grow Systems, an indoor grow company. Alicia has experience growing microgreens for profit, and food blogging. She is a former registered nurse, holding a B.S. in Nursing.

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